It's the biggest holiday since, well, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. January is already Black History Month, so why not make it official that January 20th is Barack Obama Day? It will just save us all time in the long run; this way, we won't have to remind all of the future presidents that they have a lot to live up to. Obama's transition to the White House has already been more favorably portrayed by the media than
Bush's entire eight years in office. Not that that's really saying much. In an attempt to keep the past where it belongs, I will keep my mouth shut about the last eight years. Let's just say I no longer feel simultaneously embarrassed and compelled to leave the country.
There isn't really much that needs to be said here. Tomorrow, we will have a president who is not a crusty old white dude. Yay! This is clearly historical in and of itself. Our plantation-owning forefathers are probably turning in their crusty old white graves (dug tirelessly by slaves, most likely), but who cares. We are moving on and moving up.
Barack Obama has done what so many of us thought was impossible. He single-handedly (almost) dragged our country out of its cynical, unpatriotic stupor and got the young people to vote! And not only that; he got them to canvass, fundraise, organize, and most importantly, wear t-shirts with his face on them. Once you've got your own clothing line, that's at least a six month guarantee that your fans will stick by you. By then, all the crusty old white dudes will have realized that, indeed, the kids were all right.
So anyway - possible activities for future Barack Obama Days include: perusing the local humane society for hypo-allergenic orphaned puppies, riding in the front of a bus, visiting Hawaii, speaking in proper English, not throwing shoes, and attending a public reading of that superawesome
victory speech that made us all cry somewhere around paragraph three.
We all have our own thoughts and feelings about our first African-American president, but we can all agree that January 20, 2009 is one of the most momentous days in American political history. I'm not much for patriotism, but tomorrow, I might just be proud to be an American (who knew?). Barack Obama doesn't have his own official holiday yet, but if he lives up to his promises, he'll deserve one. In the mean time, can we ride the
Obama high all the way to 2013?
Yes we can!
Happy Barack Obama Day everyone!